Have you ever just had a bad day and you knew it was going to go that way? Sometimes when you have an ostomy you just know it will be that way. We had a fun time last week and that was because we decided to buy a home that needed lots of work. We have toughed and fixed what feels like every single part of it and sometimes you just know the house is going to win.
One day I knew I was going to have to go under the house. We were smelling lots of bad things and I knew it was a mold under there. I was worried because of my ostomy and we have a crawl space. This means crawling and going down through a very small hole. It was before I was using quality supplies so I knew that my bad feeling was justified. Instead of having a great time I had a leak whilst under the house. Surrounded by spiders, in a small space and leaking from my old bag. Yes this, this is what nightmares are made of. I had a bad seal it wasn't the first time with the old brand. I wish I was never recommended by a friend to use them because I went all in on supply. This means I used them till they were all out.
After that mishap under the house I decided to go shopping. I found a health store online and I gave them a call. After talking with them and going over my past issues they were nice and knowledge about what I may need. I do lots of hard work and push my body and they gave me great products to give a shot at helping with my daily lifestyle. I would say the best part is trying the products out for free. That helped me see what worked well and what didn't.
This helped me from having more days where I knew I was going to lose. I was more confident on working on the house after work and not being afraid of winding up in my own filth. That is a definite plus on a 15 hour work day. So I suggest finding a really good brand and maybe trying it hard first without going under the house. Because that is really no fun and rather scary. Stay safe and have a happy time with your gear!
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