Friday, October 20, 2017

Tips To Manage Your Loop Ileostomy

The process of digestion starts when you chew your foods and swallow them. That food passes through your esophagus and enters your stomach, where acids and other digestive enzymes break it down even further to form a liquid mixture. This mixture then passes to the small intestine.

The six meters long small intestine is where a significant part of the digestion process takes place. This part of the bowel absorbs everything from proteins, vitamins, minerals, and fats into the body. The leftover digestive material is passed to the large bowel, also known as the large intestine.

When digestive wastes enter into the large bowel, they are generally in the form of liquids due to an excess amount of moisture. The large intestine absorbs moisture and stores digestive wastes until you feel the urge to move your bowels.

What is a loop ileostomy?

A surgically created opening into your bowel is known as an ostomy. If it is created on the small intestine, it is an ileostomy. And if it is on the large intestine, it is a colostomy. A loop ileostomy is when the surgeon doesn’t disconnect the ileum from the colon or large bowel completely.

The surgeon, during surgery, brings a loop of the small intestine out through a cut in the belly. He then makes a small incision on the top of that loop to create a stoma. A supporting rod or bridge is placed under that loop to prevent it from sinking into the abdomen. This rod is usually removed 5-7 days after surgery.

A loop ileostomy creates two openings in a stoma. One of these openings passes out stools, while the other one remains idle. This second opening is the pathway to the colon and rectum. Since the active part of the stoma doesn’t have any sphincter muscles, you will not be able to control when to move your bowels. That is why wearing an ostomy bag the entire time is an utmost necessity.

Ileostomy output

Your stoma will start producing output a few hours after surgery. This output will be more watery during the first few days. However, its consistency will thicken over time. The average amount of the stomal output passing out of an ileostomy is 500-800ml per 24 hours. If it is greater than 1000ml per day, you may need to consult with your physician.

Managing your loop stoma

A stoma doesn’t stop you from bathing and showering, eating your favorite foods, and going out for traveling.

If you have a stoma, you can bathe or shower just like you have been doing before surgery. Water and soap will not enter your stoma. However, the stomal output discharge can happen at any time, so it is best to wear an ostomy bag the entire time.

While you will be able to eat anything you want eventually, you will need to take a restricted diet for the first few weeks after surgery. That will allow your GI tract to recover from the impact of surgery and adapt to its new length. You may need to bring some changes to your dietary habits, though.

You will have to be particularly careful about the skin around your stoma. Make sure to wear an ostomy bag that makes a proper seal with your peristomal skin. You may also need to ensure extra protection with the help of some supplementary products. The best way is to discuss your condition with an ostomy care nurse and ask for suggestions.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Worst Ostomy Day Ever

Have you ever just had a bad day and you knew it was going to go that way? Sometimes when you have an ostomy you just know it will be that way. We had a fun time last week and that was because we decided to buy a home that needed lots of work.  We have toughed and fixed what feels like every single part of it and sometimes you just know the house is going to win.

One day I knew I was going to have to go under the house.  We were smelling lots of bad things and I knew it was a mold under there.  I was worried because of my ostomy and we have a crawl space. This means crawling and going down through a very small hole. It was before I was using quality supplies so I knew that my bad feeling was justified. Instead of having a great time I had a leak whilst under the house. Surrounded by spiders, in a small space and leaking from my old bag.  Yes this, this is what nightmares are made of. I had a bad seal it wasn't the first time with the old brand.  I wish I was never recommended by a friend to use them because I went all in on supply. This means I used them till they were all out.

After that mishap under the house I decided to go shopping.  I found a health store online and I gave them a call. After talking with them and going over my past issues they were nice and knowledge about what I may need. I do lots of hard work and push my body and they gave me great products to give a shot at helping with my daily lifestyle. I would say the best part is trying the products out for free. That helped me see what worked well and what didn't.

This helped me from having more days where I knew I was going to lose.  I was more confident on working on the house after work and not being afraid of winding up in my own filth.  That is a definite plus on a 15 hour work day. So I suggest finding a really good brand and maybe trying it hard first without going under the house. Because that is really no fun and rather scary. Stay safe and have a happy time with your gear!

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Waking up in an Ostomy Nightmare

There are some things that you fear when you have an ostomy.  That is waking up with the bag off and torn and filth everywhere. The worst part is the fear that you didn't wake up but your spouse woke you up.  That is my biggest fear and what I worried about most after my ostomy surgery. Luckily it is a bad dream that has never come to life. I am happy to say that due to my luck or choice of good products that it has not even really been a possibility as far as I can see. What I am actually saying is that you don't have to worry about it that much.  If you are using the right gear then you will be more than prepared for any issues in the night. So how do you get prepared?

Well, I suggest first and foremost learning all you can from your healthcare provider and ostomy nurse.  That is a good start and they are loaded with information.  If you are beyond that point and simply need some good advice then go to the good old internet.  That is where I learned that ostomy store existed and a whole bunch of other companies too.  Their Supplies is a gear manufacturer and they also put out a lot of content for people with a stoma.  I have found their website a really good place to start. When you get brave enough you can call in and start asking questions and so far they have been a really good help. But my favorite place to go is the good old YouTube.

Yes, I picked up the premium account because I spend way too much time looking up ostomy gear and I have to admit, its been worth it.  I am a gear junky and lots of people on their are as well.  Find and follow a few people with the life habits and styles that you like that also have an ostomy and you can get some great tips.  And also learn from a lot of epic fails.  It all is knowledge and it can all be for free with commercials haha. But really it is a great place to get tips on the questions you don't want to ask people in person. I highly suggest spending some time there and finding out more about the things you like to do and how to do them well.