I love Spring and Fall. This time of year allows me to really enjoy my passion when I have the time and that is because the weather is really nice. One area that really pumps me up for life is heading to my favorite local parks and enjoy the trails. At one point I thought I would never do this again. This is one area that worried me when I got out of my ostomy surgery because I was afraid that I would not be able to hike or jog my favorite trails again. Luckily, I was all afraid for no reason and that is something that I strive to share with all new estimates. The fact that you have a stoma now means that you have a few extra routine changes through the day, but that your life can still be as active or enjoyable as you wish it to be. My search for amazing gear helps me enjoy what I love doing and I hope this helps you too!
Where do you go to get gear that allows you to hike and run with an ostomy? You may even find that there is a whole new ostomy setup that may work better for your body and the task that you are planning on doing. I like to personally keep my eyes and ears open to all different aspects of this industry to see what is available and if I am missing something. One location that usually seems to keep me up to date is the social media world. This is a vast and crazy fast-changing industry. No joke, new things are coming out all the time and you need to keep up or you may miss it.
Now I like to stay up to date on social media for all the new things. This means following tons of people who have an ostomy. Now I think that it is key to find outdoor people who enjoy hiking, bushcraft, and backpacking. I have learned more from these people than probably anyone else and that is because they are doing what they enjoy and showing how they are doing it. The truth is my body is different from many of them and how my stoma is on my abdomen is different. That means a lot of the tips and tricks that they do are not applicable to me but a lot of their successes and failures are truly applicable and I am so happy to share in their journey and to be able to chime in as well. I have learned a lot from others talking about my own questions and listening to their solutions and failures.
People who like to be outside and keep things lightweight have been key to me. This scene has actually influenced people with stomas greatly because we can use backpacks with no hip belts and keep things ultra-lightweight in order to carry our extra ostomy gear. Adding all of their tips and tricks into my life has allowed me to see more and enjoy lots more time in the great outdoors. It has also built my confidence up because I have seen people fail and know that I can succeed because they are willing to teach. May my journey and tips help you in yours.
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